Input please…

A recent visitor posed a question in response to my post titled The Mystery of Unanswered Prayer. It’s a tough question for me to answer because the response can seem trivial, hollow or trite. I did my best to respond, but I would like to open it up to you all for your thoughts to his question.

You can read his question here and my response here.

There’s a lot of wisdom out there in bloggy-land and I’m looking forward to your responses.

Thanks and God bless.

1 thought on “Input please…

  1. tam

    Well the first thing that came to my mind regarding healing is actually something that has recently occurred to me. Having Lupus I have asked for healing for years. Just this last weekend God spoke very clearly to me why He hasn’t and when He would heal me. It was a jaw dropping moment. Then my mind began to ponder a little deeper and I wondered if more than “needing” or wanting to be healed of this disease if I needed more so to be healed of my outlook and attitude regarding it all. I think whatever it is that is getting in the way of Gods work in my life is what I need healing from the most. Also, many, many times our afflictions have nothing to do with us but for another’s benefit – that is Gods business, not mine.

    You asked for wisdom on this and honestly I’m not so sure I am qualified to address it, but this is my offering anyway…



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